Sexism Detection


Francesco Baiocchi

Christian Di Buò

Leonardo Petrilli


January 14, 2025

Assignment 1

Credits: Federico Ruggeri, Eleonora Mancini, Paolo Torroni

Keywords: Sexism Detection, Multi-class Classification, RNNs, Transformers, Huggingface


For any doubt, question, issue or help, you can always contact us at the following email addresses:

Teaching Assistants:

  • Federico Ruggeri ->
  • Eleonora Mancini ->

Professor: - Paolo Torroni ->


You are asked to address the EXIST 2023 Task 1 on sexism detection.

Problem Definition

The systems have to decide whether or not a given tweet contains or describes sexist expressions or behaviors (i.e., it is sexist itself, describes a sexist situation or criticizes a sexist behavior).


Text: Can’t go a day without women womening

Label: Sexist

Text: ‘’Society’s set norms! Happy men’s day though!#weareequal’’

Label: Not sexist

#[Task 1 - 1.0 points] Corpus

We have preparared a small version of EXIST dataset in our dedicated Github repository.

Check the A1/data folder. It contains 3 .json files representing training, validation and test sets.

The three sets are slightly unbalanced, with a bias toward the Non-sexist class.

Dataset Description

  • The dataset contains tweets in both English and Spanish.
  • There are labels for multiple tasks, but we are focusing on Task 1.
  • For Task 1, soft labels are assigned by six annotators.
  • The labels for Task 1 represent whether the tweet is sexist (“YES”) or not (“NO”).


"203260": {
    "id_EXIST": "203260",
    "lang": "en",
    "tweet": "ik when mandy says “you look like a whore” i look cute as FUCK",
    "number_annotators": 6,
    "annotators": ["Annotator_473", "Annotator_474", "Annotator_475", "Annotator_476", "Annotator_477", "Annotator_27"],
    "gender_annotators": ["F", "F", "M", "M", "M", "F"],
    "age_annotators": ["18-22", "23-45", "18-22", "23-45", "46+", "46+"],
    "labels_task1": ["YES", "YES", "YES", "NO", "YES", "YES"],
    "labels_task2": ["DIRECT", "DIRECT", "REPORTED", "-", "JUDGEMENTAL", "REPORTED"],
    "labels_task3": [
    "split": "TRAIN_EN"


  1. Download the A1/data folder.
  2. Load the three JSON files and encode them as pandas dataframes.
  3. Generate hard labels for Task 1 using majority voting and store them in a new dataframe column called hard_label_task1. Items without a clear majority will be removed from the dataset.
  4. Filter the DataFrame to keep only rows where the lang column is 'en'.
  5. Remove unwanted columns: Keep only id_EXIST, lang, tweet, and hard_label_task1.
  6. Encode the hard_label_task1 column: Use 1 to represent “YES” and 0 to represent “NO”.
!pip install datasets --quiet
!pip install evaluate --quiet
!pip install simplejson --quiet
!python -m spacy download es_core_news_sm
Collecting es-core-news-sm==3.7.0
  Downloading (12.9 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 12.9/12.9 MB 68.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.7.5)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-legacy<3.1.0,>=3.0.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-loggers<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.0.5)
Requirement already satisfied: murmurhash<1.1.0,>=0.28.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.0.11)
Requirement already satisfied: cymem<2.1.0,>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: preshed<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: thinc<8.3.0,>=8.2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (8.2.5)
Requirement already satisfied: wasabi<1.2.0,>=0.9.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: srsly<3.0.0,>=2.4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: catalogue<2.1.0,>=2.0.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: weasel<0.5.0,>=0.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.15.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (4.67.1)
Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.32.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.10.3)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (75.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (24.2)
Requirement already satisfied: langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.19.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: language-data>=1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: annotated-types>=0.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic-core==2.27.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.27.1)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.12.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (4.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.2.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2024.12.14)
Requirement already satisfied: blis<0.8.0,>=0.7.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from thinc<8.3.0,>=8.2.2->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.7.11)
Requirement already satisfied: confection<1.0.0,>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from thinc<8.3.0,>=8.2.2->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: click>=8.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: shellingham>=1.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.5.4)
Requirement already satisfied: rich>=10.11.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (13.9.4)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpathlib<1.0.0,>=0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from weasel<0.5.0,>=0.1.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.20.0)
Requirement already satisfied: smart-open<8.0.0,>=5.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from weasel<0.5.0,>=0.1.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (7.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: marisa-trie>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from language-data>=1.2->langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from rich>=10.11.0->typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from rich>=10.11.0->typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (2.18.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wrapt in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from smart-open<8.0.0,>=5.2.1->weasel<0.5.0,>=0.1.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (1.17.0)
Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich>=10.11.0->typer<1.0.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.8.0,>=3.7.0->es-core-news-sm==3.7.0) (0.1.2)
✔ Download and installation successful
You can now load the package via spacy.load('es_core_news_sm')
⚠ Restart to reload dependencies
If you are in a Jupyter or Colab notebook, you may need to restart Python in
order to load all the package's dependencies. You can do this by selecting the
'Restart kernel' or 'Restart runtime' option.
import os
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
import simplejson as sj
from pathlib import Path
from functools import reduce
import urllib
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, List, Callable, Tuple, Optional
import copy
import random

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
import seaborn as sns

import tensorflow as tf
import keras
import torch

import spacy
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import gensim
import gensim.downloader as gloader

from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from sklearn.metrics import (
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense
from keras.metrics import F1Score, Precision, Recall
from keras.utils import plot_model

import transformers
from transformers import (

import requests
import re
import datasets
from datasets import Dataset
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, accuracy_score, roc_curve, roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve, PrecisionRecallDisplay, auc

import warnings
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt_tab to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt_tab is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package wordnet is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package averaged_perceptron_tagger_eng to
[nltk_data]     /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package averaged_perceptron_tagger_eng is already up-to-
[nltk_data]       date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
def set_reproducibility(seed: int) -> None:
    Fixes any possible source of randomness.

    :param seed: seed to ensure reproducibility (int)
    os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed)
    os.environ["TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS"] = "1"  ### can make training slower

  1. Download the A1/data folder.
  2. Load the three JSON files and encode them as pandas dataframes.
url = ""

train_df = pd.read_json(url + "training.json").T
validation_df = pd.read_json(url + "validation.json").T
test_df = pd.read_json(url + "test.json").T
print(f"Training set shape: {train_df.shape}")
print(f"Validation set shape: {validation_df.shape}")
print(f"Test set shape: {test_df.shape}")
Training set shape: (6920, 11)
Validation set shape: (726, 11)
Test set shape: (312, 11)
  1. Generate hard labels for Task 1 using majority voting and store them in a new dataframe column called hard_label_task1. Items without a clear majority will be removed from the dataset.
  2. Filter the DataFrame to keep only rows where the lang column is 'en'.
  3. Remove unwanted columns: Keep only id_EXIST, lang, tweet, and hard_label_task1.
  4. Encode the hard_label_task1 column: Use 1 to represent “YES” and 0 to represent “NO”.
def determine_label(row: pd.Series) -> Optional[str]:
    Converts soft labels into hard labels (strings).

    :param row: row of the dataset to convert (pd.Series)

        - string representing the hard label
    num_yes = row["labels_task1"].count("YES")
    num_no = row["labels_task1"].count("NO")
    if num_yes == num_no:
        return None
    return "YES" if num_yes > num_no else "NO"

def corpus(df: pd.DataFrame, multilingual:bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Converts soft labels into hard labels (int) and drops irrelevant rows/columns.

    :param df: dataset split to convert (pd.DataFrame)
    :param multilingual: whether to keep spanish tweets (bool)

        - refined dataset
    df["hard_label_task1"] = df.apply(determine_label, axis=1)
    df = df.dropna(subset=["hard_label_task1"])
    if not multilingual:
      df = df[df["lang"] != "es"]
    df = df[["id_EXIST", "lang", "tweet", "hard_label_task1"]]
    df.loc[df["hard_label_task1"] == "YES", "hard_label_task1"] = 1
    df.loc[df["hard_label_task1"] == "NO", "hard_label_task1"] = 0
    df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    return df
train_df = corpus(train_df)
validation_df = corpus(validation_df)
test_df = corpus(test_df)
id_EXIST lang tweet hard_label_task1
0 400001 en @Mike_Fabricant “You should smile more, love. ... 0
1 400002 en @BBCWomansHour @LabWomenDec @EverydaySexism Sh... 1
2 400003 en #everydaysexism Some man moving my suitcase in... 1
3 400004 en @KolHue @OliverJia1014 lol gamergate the go to... 0
4 400005 en @ShelfStoriesGBL To me this has the same negat... 0
... ... ... ... ...
153 400172 en @leesu44 @elishabroadway @markbann57 @SeaeyesT... 1
154 400174 en It is is impossible for a man to become a woma... 1
155 400175 en If Gaga decided to sing 18 versions of Free Wo... 0
156 400176 en This is your reminder that you can be child-fr... 0
157 400177 en just completed my last final, i’m officially a... 0

158 rows × 4 columns

[Task2 - 0.5 points] Data Cleaning

In the context of tweets, we have noisy and informal data that often includes unnecessary elements like emojis, hashtags, mentions, and URLs. These elements may interfere with the text analysis.


  • Remove emojis from the tweets.
  • Remove hashtags (e.g., #example).
  • Remove mentions such as @user.
  • Remove URLs from the tweets.
  • Remove special characters and symbols.
  • Remove specific quote characters (e.g., curly quotes).
  • Perform lemmatization to reduce words to their base form.

In order to filter out emojis we used an up-to-date list of emoji data from Github.

url = (
response = requests.get(url)
json_data = response.json()

emoji_list = list(json_data.keys())
regex_pattern = "|".join(re.escape(word) for word in emoji_list)

EMOJI_RE = re.compile(regex_pattern)
HASHTAG_RE = re.compile(r"\B\@(\w)+")
MENTIONS_RE = re.compile(r"\B\#(\w)+")
URLS_RE = re.compile(r"https?://\S*")
SPECIAL_CHAR_RE = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z]")
def remove_emojis(text: str) -> str:
    Removes emojis from the given text.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return EMOJI_RE.sub(" ", text)

def remove_hashtags(text: str) -> str:
    Removes hashtags from the given text.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return HASHTAG_RE.sub(" ", text)

def remove_mentions(text: str) -> str:
    Removes mentions from the given text.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return MENTIONS_RE.sub(" ", text)

def remove_urls(text: str) -> str:
    Removes URLs from the given text.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return URLS_RE.sub(" ", text)

def remove_special_chars(text: str) -> str:
    Removes special chars from the given text.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return SPECIAL_CHAR_RE.sub(" ", text)

def lower(text: str) -> str:
    Transforms given text to lower case.

    :param text: text to be filtered (str)

        - cleaned text
    return text.lower()

Pipeline for the preprocessing of text.


def text_prepare(text: str, filter_methods: Optional[List[Callable[[str], str]]] = None) -> str:
    Applies a list of pre-processing functions in sequence (reduce).

    :param text: text to be processed (str)
    :param filter_methods: list of functions to apply (list)

        - pre-processed text
    filter_methods = (
        filter_methods if filter_methods is not None else PREPROCESSING_PIPELINE
    return reduce(lambda txt, f: f(txt), filter_methods, text)

Sanity check on preprocessing pipeline.

print("Pre-processing text...")

print(f"\n[Debug] Before:\n{train_df['tweet'][0]}\n")

# Replace each sentence with its pre-processed version
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(lambda txt: text_prepare(txt))

print(f"[Debug] After:\n{train_df['tweet'][0]}\n")

print("Pre-processing completed!")
Pre-processing text...

[Debug] Before:
Writing a uni essay in my local pub with a coffee. Random old man keeps asking me drunk questions when I'm trying to concentrate &amp; ends with "good luck, but you'll just end up getting married and not use it anyway". #EverydaySexism is alive and well 🙃

[Debug] After:
writing a uni essay in my local pub with a coffee  random old man keeps asking me drunk questions when i m trying to concentrate  amp  ends with  good luck  but you ll just end up getting married and not use it anyway     is alive and well  

Pre-processing completed!

We stored a copy of train, validation and test that we used later in the Transformer section.

validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(lambda txt: text_prepare(txt))
test_df["tweet"] = test_df["tweet"].apply(lambda txt: text_prepare(txt))

  • Perform lemmatization to reduce words to their base form.
def get_wordnet_key(pos_tag: str) -> str:
    Converts pos_tag to the correct format.

    :param pos_tag: tag to be converted (str)

        - formatted tag
    if pos_tag.startswith("J"):
        return wordnet.ADJ
    elif pos_tag.startswith("V"):
        return wordnet.VERB
    elif pos_tag.startswith("N"):
        return wordnet.NOUN
    elif pos_tag.startswith("R"):
        return wordnet.ADV
        return "n"

def tokenize_tweet(tweet: str) -> List[str]:
    Applies tokenization and lemmatization to the given text.

    :param tweet: text to be tokenized (str)

        - tokenized and lemmatized tweet
    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    tweet = word_tokenize(tweet)
    tweet = pos_tag(tweet)
    tweet = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, get_wordnet_key(tag)) for word, tag in tweet]
    return tweet
test_df["tweet"] = test_df["tweet"].apply(tokenize_tweet)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(tokenize_tweet)

Sanity check on tokenizer.

print("Tokenizing text...")

print(f"\n[Debug] Before:\n{train_df['tweet'][0]}\n")

# Lemmatize and tokenize each sentence
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(tokenize_tweet)

print(f"[Debug] After:\n{train_df['tweet'][0]}\n")

print("Tokenization completed!")
Tokenizing text...

[Debug] Before:
writing a uni essay in my local pub with a coffee  random old man keeps asking me drunk questions when i m trying to concentrate  amp  ends with  good luck  but you ll just end up getting married and not use it anyway     is alive and well  

[Debug] After:
['write', 'a', 'uni', 'essay', 'in', 'my', 'local', 'pub', 'with', 'a', 'coffee', 'random', 'old', 'man', 'keep', 'ask', 'me', 'drunk', 'question', 'when', 'i', 'm', 'try', 'to', 'concentrate', 'amp', 'end', 'with', 'good', 'luck', 'but', 'you', 'll', 'just', 'end', 'up', 'get', 'married', 'and', 'not', 'use', 'it', 'anyway', 'be', 'alive', 'and', 'well']

Tokenization completed!

[Task 3 - 0.5 points] Text Encoding

To train a neural sexism classifier, you first need to encode text into numerical format.


  • Embed words using GloVe embeddings.
  • You are free to pick any embedding dimension.

Note : What about OOV tokens?

  • All the tokens in the training set that are not in GloVe must be added to the vocabulary.
  • For the remaining tokens (i.e., OOV in the validation and test sets), you have to assign them a special token (e.g., [UNK]) and a static embedding.
  • You are free to define the static embedding using any strategy (e.g., random, neighbourhood, etc…)

More about OOV

For a given token:

  • If in train set: add to vocabulary and assign an embedding (use GloVe if token in GloVe, custom embedding otherwise).
  • If in val/test set: assign special token if not in vocabulary and assign custom embedding.

Your vocabulary should:

  • Contain all tokens in train set; or
  • Union of tokens in train set and in GloVe \(\rightarrow\) we make use of existing knowledge!
def build_vocabulary(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[Dict[int, str], Dict[str, int], List[str]]:
    Given a dataset, builds the corresponding word vocabulary.

    :param df: dataset from which we want to build the word vocabulary (pandas.DataFrame)
      - word vocabulary: vocabulary index to word
      - inverse word vocabulary: word to vocabulary index
      - word listing: set of unique terms that build up the vocabulary
    idx_to_word = {}
    word_to_idx = {}

    word_to_idx["PAD"] = 0
    idx_to_word[0] = "PAD"
    word_to_idx["UNK"] = 1
    idx_to_word[1] = "UNK"

    curr_idx = 2

    for sentence in tqdm(df["tweet"].values):
        for token in sentence:
            if token not in word_to_idx:
                word_to_idx[token] = curr_idx
                idx_to_word[curr_idx] = token
                curr_idx += 1

    word_listing = list(idx_to_word.values())
    return idx_to_word, word_to_idx, word_listing
idx_to_word, word_to_idx, word_listing = build_vocabulary(train_df)
print(f"\n[Debug] Index -> Word vocabulary size: {len(idx_to_word)}")
print(f"[Debug] Word -> Index vocabulary size: {len(word_to_idx)}")
print(f"[Debug] Some words: {[(idx_to_word[idx], idx) for idx in np.arange(20)]}")
100%|██████████| 2870/2870 [00:00<00:00, 146534.38it/s]

[Debug] Index -> Word vocabulary size: 8872
[Debug] Word -> Index vocabulary size: 8872
[Debug] Some words: [('PAD', 0), ('UNK', 1), ('write', 2), ('a', 3), ('uni', 4), ('essay', 5), ('in', 6), ('my', 7), ('local', 8), ('pub', 9), ('with', 10), ('coffee', 11), ('random', 12), ('old', 13), ('man', 14), ('keep', 15), ('ask', 16), ('me', 17), ('drunk', 18), ('question', 19)]
def evaluate_vocabulary(
    idx_to_word: Dict[int, str],
    word_to_idx: Dict[str, int],
    word_listing: List[str],
    df: pd.DataFrame
) -> None:
    Performs sanity checks on the vocabularies.

    :param idx_to_word: word vocabulary to test (dict)
    :param word_to_idx: inverse word vocabulary to test (dict)
    :param word_listing: set of unique words to test (list)
    :param df: dataset to test (pd.DataFrame)
    print("[Vocabulary Evaluation] Size checking...")
    assert len(idx_to_word) == len(word_to_idx)
    assert len(idx_to_word) == len(word_listing)

    print("[Vocabulary Evaluation] Content checking...")
    for i in tqdm(range(0, len(idx_to_word))):
        assert idx_to_word[i] in word_to_idx
        assert word_to_idx[idx_to_word[i]] == i

    print("[Vocabulary Evaluation] Consistency checking...")
    _, _, first_word_listing = build_vocabulary(df)
    _, _, second_word_listing = build_vocabulary(df)
    assert first_word_listing == second_word_listing

    print("[Vocabulary Evaluation] Word_listing checking...")
    _, _, assert_word_listing = build_vocabulary(train_df)
    assert_valid_vocabulary = set(
        [token for tweet in train_df.tweet.values for token in tweet]
    assert_valid_vocabulary.update(["PAD", "UNK"])
    assert set(assert_word_listing) == assert_valid_vocabulary

Sanity check on vocabulary.

print("Vocabulary evaluation...")
evaluate_vocabulary(idx_to_word, word_to_idx, word_listing, train_df)
print("\nEvaluation completed!")
Vocabulary evaluation...
[Vocabulary Evaluation] Size checking...
[Vocabulary Evaluation] Content checking...
100%|██████████| 8872/8872 [00:00<00:00, 830343.97it/s]
[Vocabulary Evaluation] Consistency checking...
100%|██████████| 2870/2870 [00:00<00:00, 83462.08it/s]
100%|██████████| 2870/2870 [00:00<00:00, 66044.78it/s]
[Vocabulary Evaluation] Word_listing checking...
100%|██████████| 2870/2870 [00:00<00:00, 25423.03it/s]

Evaluation completed!
vocab_path = Path.cwd().joinpath("vocab.json")

print(f"Saving vocabulary to {vocab_path}")
with"w") as f:
    sj.dump(word_to_idx, f, indent=4)
print("Saving completed!")
Saving vocabulary to /content/vocab.json
Saving completed!

We chose glove-wiki-gigaword as a word embedding with a dimension of 300. This embedding_dimension ensures rich semantic representation without heavily increasing the computational cost.

embedding_dimension = 300
embedding_model = gloader.load(f"glove-wiki-gigaword-{embedding_dimension}")
def check_OOV_terms(
    embedding_model: gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors, word_listing: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
    Checks differences between pre-trained embedding model vocabulary
    and dataset specific vocabulary in order to highlight out-of-vocabulary terms.

    :param embedding_model: pre-trained word embedding model (gensim wrapper)
    :param word_listing: dataset specific vocabulary (list)

        - list of OOV terms
    embedding_vocabulary = set(embedding_model.key_to_index.keys())
    oov = list(set(word_listing).difference(embedding_vocabulary))
    return oov
oov_terms = check_OOV_terms(embedding_model, word_listing)
oov_percentage = float(len(oov_terms)) * 100 / len(word_listing)
print(f"Total OOV terms: {len(oov_terms)} ({oov_percentage:.2f}%)")
Total OOV terms: 906 (10.21%)

After the tokenization process, we stored a copy of validation and test split used in the Error Analysis section.

validation_tokenized = copy.deepcopy(validation_df['tweet'])
test_tokenized = copy.deepcopy(test_df['tweet'])
def put_unk(tweet: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    Replaces tokens not present in the vocabulary with the "UNK" token.

    :param tweet: list of strings, where each string is a token from the tweet (list)

       - list of strings, where tokens not in the vocabulary have been replaced by "UNK"
    tweet = [token if token in word_to_idx else "UNK" for token in tweet]
    return tweet
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(put_unk)
test_df["tweet"] = test_df["tweet"].apply(put_unk)

We assigned a zero vector as the embedding of the PAD token since, in this way, it will be masked out by the embedding layer of the model.

def build_embedding_matrix(
    embedding_model: gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors,
    embedding_dimension: int,
    word_to_idx: Dict[str, int],
    vocab_size: int
) -> np.ndarray:
    Builds the embedding matrix of a specific dataset given a pre-trained word embedding model.

    :param embedding_model: pre-trained word embedding model (gensim wrapper)
    :param embedding_dimension: dimension of the embedding space (int)
    :param word_to_idx: vocabulary map (word -> index) (dict)
    :param vocab_size: size of the vocabulary

        - embedding matrix that assigns a high dimensional vector to each word in the dataset specific vocabulary (shape |V| x d)
    embedding_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size, embedding_dimension), dtype=np.float32)
    for word, idx in tqdm(word_to_idx.items()):
        if word == "PAD":
                embedding_vector = embedding_model[word]
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                embedding_vector = np.random.uniform(
                    low=-0.05, high=0.05, size=embedding_dimension

        embedding_matrix[idx] = embedding_vector

    return embedding_matrix

Check of the embedding matrix shape.

# Testing
embedding_dimension = 300
embedding_matrix = build_embedding_matrix(
    embedding_model, embedding_dimension, word_to_idx, len(word_to_idx)
print(f"Embedding matrix shape: {embedding_matrix.shape}")
100%|██████████| 8872/8872 [00:00<00:00, 258821.94it/s]
Embedding matrix shape: (8872, 300)
max_train_length = max(len(tweet) for tweet in train_df["tweet"])
max_validation_length = max(len(tweet) for tweet in validation_df["tweet"])
max_test_length = max(len(tweet) for tweet in test_df["tweet"])
max_sequence_lenght = max(max_train_length, max_validation_length, max_test_length)

print(f"Max sequence lenght in train set: {max_train_length}")
print(f"Max sequence lenght in validation set: {max_validation_length}")
print(f"Max sequence lenght in test set: {max_test_length}")
print(f"Max sequence lenght: {max_sequence_lenght}")
Max sequence lenght in train set: 62
Max sequence lenght in validation set: 55
Max sequence lenght in test set: 61
Max sequence lenght: 62
def pad_tweet(tweet: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    Pads a tweet to a fixed length.

    :param tweet: tweet to be padded (list)

        - padded tweet
    i = len(tweet)
    while i < max_sequence_lenght:
        i = i + 1
    return tweet

train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(pad_tweet)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(pad_tweet)
test_df["tweet"] = test_df["tweet"].apply(pad_tweet)

Sanity check on padded text.

def assert_padding(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
    Ensures that the padding has been applied correctly.

    :param df: dataset to test (pd.DataFrame)
    print("[Debug] Padding checking...")
    for tweet in df["tweet"]:
        assert len(tweet) == max_sequence_lenght
    print("Padding checked!")

[Debug] Padding checking...
Padding checked!
[Debug] Padding checking...
Padding checked!
[Debug] Padding checking...
Padding checked!

Numerical conversion of tokens to feed them to the model.

def word_to_num(tweet: List[str]) -> List[int]:
    Converts words in a tweet to their corresponding indices.

    :param tweet: list of words to convert (List[str])

        - converted tweet
    tweet = [word_to_idx[word] for word in tweet]
    return tweet
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(word_to_num)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(word_to_num)
test_df["tweet"] = test_df["tweet"].apply(word_to_num)

id_EXIST lang tweet hard_label_task1
0 200002 en [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14... 1
1 200003 en [40, 42, 38, 21, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 5... 1
2 200006 en [63, 24, 3, 64, 21, 65, 66, 67, 68, 24, 69, 70... 1
3 200007 en [83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 30, 89, 31, 90, 91, 3... 1
4 200008 en [95, 24, 58, 96, 97, 98, 56, 99, 24, 100, 101,... 0
... ... ... ... ...
2865 203256 en [975, 207, 1120, 125, 334, 597, 65, 1150, 53, ... 1
2866 203257 en [97, 65, 42, 3, 326, 67, 350, 3491, 10, 251, 2... 1
2867 203258 en [693, 17, 427, 38, 777, 31, 35, 243, 42, 1217,... 1
2868 203259 en [207, 133, 31, 56, 77, 3, 2275, 8870, 0, 0, 0,... 1
2869 203260 en [5149, 20, 8871, 436, 31, 56, 77, 3, 2275, 21,... 1

2870 rows × 4 columns

[Task 4 - 1.0 points] Model definition

You are now tasked to define your sexism classifier.


  • Baseline: implement a Bidirectional LSTM with a Dense layer on top.

  • You are free to experiment with hyper-parameters to define the baseline model.

  • Model 1: add an additional LSTM layer to the Baseline model.

Token to embedding mapping

You can follow two approaches for encoding tokens in your classifier.

Work directly with embeddings

  • Compute the embedding of each input token
  • Feed the mini-batches of shape (batch_size, # tokens, embedding_dim) to your model

Work with Embedding layer

  • Encode input tokens to token ids
  • Define a Embedding layer as the first layer of your model
  • Compute the embedding matrix of all known tokens (i.e., tokens in your vocabulary)
  • Initialize the Embedding layer with the computed embedding matrix
  • You are free to set the Embedding layer trainable or not

We prepared the data by converting everything to a NumPy array as required by the Keras fit function.

def format_data(
    sentences: pd.Series,
    labels: pd.Series
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Reshapes and casts sentences and labels.

    :param sentences: sentences to be casted (pd.Series)
    :param labels: labels to be casted and reshaped (pd.Series)

        - sentences casted to np.ndarray
        - labels casted to np.ndarray and reshaped to (-1, 1)

    sentences = np.array(list(sentences))
    labels = np.array(list(labels))
    labels = np.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)
    return sentences, labels
train_sentences, train_labels = format_data(
    train_df["tweet"], train_df["hard_label_task1"]
validation_sentences, validation_labels = format_data(
    validation_df["tweet"], validation_df["hard_label_task1"]
test_sentences, test_labels = format_data(test_df["tweet"], test_df["hard_label_task1"])

We used to_categorical to convert train and validation labels into one-hot encoded format because we used Softmax as the last layer of our model. This conversion was necessary to compute macro metrics during training. Without this step, using a single-neuron output with a sigmoid activation function, Keras would have computed the metrics only for the positive class.

categorical_train_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(train_labels, num_classes=2)
categorical_validation_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(
    validation_labels, num_classes=2

The function below builds a Bidirectional LSTM model with an optional additional LSTM layer. The add_lstm parameter is a boolean flag that acts as the following:

  • if add_lstm=False, only the first Bidirectional LSTM layer is used, making the model simpler. (Baseline)
  • if add_lstm=True, a second Bidirectional LSTM layer is added after the first, providing a deeper model. (Model 1)

Since the pre-trained embeddings already capture semantic relationships well, we adopted frozen embeddings by setting trainable=False, drastically reducing the number of trainable parameters and so preventing overfitting.

def get_model(lstm_units: int = 64, add_lstm: bool = False, vocab_size: int = len(word_listing)) -> keras.Model:
    Builds a Bidirectional LSTM model layer by layer.

    :param lstm_units: number of LSMT cells (int)
    :param add_lstm: whether or not to put an additional LSTM layer (bool)
    :param vocab_size: size of the vocabulary (int)

        - Bidirectional LSTM model
    input = Input(shape=(max_sequence_lenght,))

    embedding_layer = Embedding(
        mask_zero=True,  # automatically masks padding tokens
    embedding = embedding_layer(input)
    bi_lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm_units, return_sequences=add_lstm))(embedding)
    bi_lstm2 = (
        Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm_units, return_sequences=False))(bi_lstm)
        if add_lstm
        else bi_lstm
    dense_output = Dense(units=2, activation="softmax")(bi_lstm2)
    model_name = "Model_1" if add_lstm else "Baseline"
    model = keras.Model(input, dense_output, name=model_name)

        optimizer=keras.optimizers.AdamW(learning_rate=0.001, weight_decay=0.01),
            F1Score(average="macro", threshold=0.5),
            Precision(name="precision_zero", thresholds=0.5, class_id=0),
            Precision(name="precision_one", thresholds=0.5, class_id=1),
            Recall(name="recall_zero", thresholds=0.5, class_id=0),
            Recall(name="recall_one", thresholds=0.5, class_id=1),
    return model
baseline = get_model()
    baseline, to_file="baseline_summary.png", show_shapes=True, dpi=60, show_dtype=True
Model: "Baseline"
┃ Layer (type)               Output Shape                   Param #  Connected to           ┃
│ input_layer (InputLayer)  │ (None, 62)             │              0 │ -                      │
│ encoder_embedding         │ (None, 62, 300)        │      2,661,600 │ input_layer[0][0]      │
│ (Embedding)               │                        │                │                        │
│ not_equal (NotEqual)      │ (None, 62)             │              0 │ input_layer[0][0]      │
│ bidirectional             │ (None, 128)            │        186,880 │ encoder_embedding[0][ │
│ (Bidirectional)           │                        │                │ not_equal[0][0]        │
│ dense (Dense)             │ (None, 2)              │            258 │ bidirectional[0][0]    │
 Total params: 2,848,738 (10.87 MB)
 Trainable params: 187,138 (731.01 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 2,661,600 (10.15 MB)
model_1 = get_model(add_lstm=True)
    model_1, to_file="model_1_summary.png", show_shapes=True, dpi=60, show_dtype=True
Model: "Model_1"
┃ Layer (type)               Output Shape                   Param #  Connected to           ┃
│ input_layer_1             │ (None, 62)             │              0 │ -                      │
│ (InputLayer)              │                        │                │                        │
│ encoder_embedding         │ (None, 62, 300)        │      2,661,600 │ input_layer_1[0][0]    │
│ (Embedding)               │                        │                │                        │
│ not_equal_1 (NotEqual)    │ (None, 62)             │              0 │ input_layer_1[0][0]    │
│ bidirectional_1           │ (None, 62, 128)        │        186,880 │ encoder_embedding[0][ │
│ (Bidirectional)           │                        │                │ not_equal_1[0][0]      │
│ bidirectional_2           │ (None, 128)            │         98,816 │ bidirectional_1[0][0], │
│ (Bidirectional)           │                        │                │ not_equal_1[0][0]      │
│ dense_1 (Dense)           │ (None, 2)              │            258 │ bidirectional_2[0][0]  │
 Total params: 2,947,554 (11.24 MB)
 Trainable params: 285,954 (1.09 MB)
 Non-trainable params: 2,661,600 (10.15 MB)


Pay attention to padding tokens!

Your model should not be penalized on those tokens.

How to?

There are two main ways.

However, their implementation depends on the neural library you are using.

  • Embedding layer
  • Custom loss to compute average cross-entropy on non-padding tokens only

Note: This is a recommendation, but we do not penalize for missing workarounds.

[Task 5 - 1.0 points] Training and Evaluation

You are now tasked to train and evaluate the Baseline and Model 1.


  • Train all models on the train set.
  • Evaluate all models on the validation set.
  • Compute metrics on the validation set.
  • Pick at least three seeds for robust estimation.
  • Pick the best performing model according to the observed validation set performance.
  • Evaluate your models using macro F1-score.

Train all models on the train set.

def train_loop(
    model: keras.Model,
    batch_size: int = 32,
    epochs: int = 50,
    patience: int = 10,
    sample_weights: Optional[List[float]] = None
) -> Tuple[keras.Model, float, float, float, List[float]]:
    Performs training and computes metrics on the validation set.

    :param model: model to train (keras.Model)
    :param batch_size: size of batches (int)
    :param epochs: number of epochs (int)
    :param patience: patience for early stopping (int)
    :param sample_weights: weights for the samples (list)

        - trained model (keras.Model)
        - best macro f1 score on validation (float)
        - best macro precision on validation (float)
        - best macro recall on validation(float)
        - loss history (list)
    early_stopping = EarlyStopping(
        monitor="val_loss", patience=patience, verbose=0, restore_best_weights=True

    history =
        validation_data=(validation_sentences, categorical_validation_labels),

    best_epoch = np.argmin(history.history["val_loss"])
    best_f1 = history.history["val_f1_score"][best_epoch]

    # Compute macro averages (precision and recall)
    best_precision = (
        + history.history["val_precision_one"][best_epoch]
    ) / 2
    best_recall = (
        + history.history["val_recall_one"][best_epoch]
    ) / 2

    return model, best_f1, best_precision, best_recall, history.history["loss"]

The choice between Baseline and Model 1 is performed by averaging the validation F1-score over three seeds. Then we chose as best_model the one with the highest performance.

# train loop on 3 seeds
seeds = [1, 2, 3]
baseline_models = {}
model1_models = {}

for seed in seeds:
    print(f"Seed: {seed}")

    baseline_model = get_model(add_lstm=False)
    baseline_model, best_f1, best_precision, best_recall, loss_bsl = train_loop(
    baseline_models[best_f1] = (baseline_model, seed, loss_bsl)
        f"\tBaseline f1_score: {best_f1:.3f}, precision {best_precision:.3f}, recall {best_recall:.3f}"

    model_1 = get_model(add_lstm=True)
    model_1, best_f1, best_precision, best_recall, loss_m1 = train_loop(model_1)
    model1_models[best_f1] = (model_1, seed, loss_m1)
        f"\n\tModel_1 f1_score: {best_f1:.3f}, precision {best_precision:.3f}, recall {best_recall:.3f}"
    print("=" * 80)
Seed: 1
    Baseline f1_score: 0.804, precision 0.809, recall 0.801

    Model_1 f1_score: 0.800, precision 0.800, recall 0.799
Seed: 2
    Baseline f1_score: 0.842, precision 0.852, recall 0.838

    Model_1 f1_score: 0.829, precision 0.838, recall 0.825
Seed: 3
    Baseline f1_score: 0.793, precision 0.794, recall 0.792

    Model_1 f1_score: 0.785, precision 0.789, recall 0.783

After the training we plotted the validation losses to explore the model’s variability over three seeds.

def plot_loss(loss: List[float], name: str, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None:
    Plots loss curves over three seeds.

    :param loss: losses to plot (list)
    :param name: name of the model to be displayed (str)
    :param ax: axis to plot on (matplotlib.axes.Axes)
    for i in range(len(loss)):
        ax.plot(loss[i], label=f"seed {i+1}")

    ax.set_title(f"Model {name}")

As we can see from the plots below the training is pretty stable, meaning that the choice of the seed seems to not affect so much model’s performance.

model_1_losses = [el[2] for el in model1_models.values()]
baseline_losses = [el[2] for el in baseline_models.values()]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))

plot_loss(baseline_losses, "baseline", ax[0])
plot_loss(model_1_losses, "model_1", ax[1])


def show_results(model_dict: Dict[float, Tuple[keras.Model, int, List[float]]]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    Shows the results of a model as the average over the three seeds.

    :param model_dict: dictionary of models' performances (dict)

        - best f1 score on the validation set (float)
        - average f1 score (float)
        - f1 score on the test set (float)

    average_f1 = np.mean([f1 for f1 in model_dict.keys()])
    best_f1 = max(model_dict.keys())
    average_f1 = np.mean(list(model_dict.keys()))
    std_f1 = np.std(list(model_dict.keys()))
        f"{model_dict[best_f1][0].name} validation average f1_score: {average_f1:.3f}, std {std_f1:.3f}\n"

    test_pred = model_dict[best_f1][0].predict(test_sentences, verbose=0)
    f1_test = f1_score(np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1), test_labels, average="macro")

    print(f"Best {model_dict[best_f1][0].name} test f1_score: {f1_test:.3f}")
    print("=" * 80, "\n")

    return best_f1, average_f1, f1_test

Pick the best performing model according to the observed validation set performance

best_f1_baseline, average_f1_baseline, f1_test_baseline = show_results(baseline_models)
best_f1_model_1, average_f1_model_1, f1_test_model_1 = show_results(model1_models)

if average_f1_baseline > average_f1_model_1:
    best_model, best_seed, _ = baseline_models[best_f1_baseline]
    best_f1_validation = best_f1_baseline
    best_f1_test = f1_test_baseline

    best_model, best_seed, _ = model1_models[best_f1_model_1]
    best_f1_validation = best_f1_model_1
    best_f1_test = f1_test_model_1

print(f"Best model: {}, validation f1_score: {best_f1_validation:.3f}, test f1_score: {best_f1_test:.3f}, seed: {best_seed}")
Baseline validation average f1_score: 0.813, std 0.021

Best Baseline test f1_score: 0.748

Model_1 validation average f1_score: 0.805, std 0.018

Best Model_1 test f1_score: 0.763

Best model: Baseline, validation f1_score: 0.842, test f1_score: 0.748, seed: 2

[Task 6 - 1.0 points] Transformers

In this section, you will use a transformer model specifically trained for hate speech detection, namely Twitter-roBERTa-base for Hate Speech Detection.

Relevant Material

  • Tutorial 3


  1. Load the Tokenizer and Model

  2. Preprocess the Dataset: You will need to preprocess your dataset to prepare it for input into the model. Tokenize your text data using the appropriate tokenizer and ensure it is formatted correctly.

    Note: You have to use the plain text of the dataset and not the version that you tokenized before, as you need to tokenize the cleaned text obtained after the initial cleaning process.

  3. Train the Model: Use the Trainer to train the model on your training data.

  4. Evaluate the Model on the Test Set using F1-macro.

  5. Load the Tokenizer and Model

model_name = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
data = datasets.load_dataset(
        "train": "train_cleaned.csv",
        "validation": "validation_cleaned.csv",
        "test": "test_cleaned.csv",
  1. Preprocess the Dataset: You will need to preprocess your dataset to prepare it for input into the model. Tokenize your text data using the appropriate tokenizer and ensure it is formatted correctly.

    Note: You have to use the plain text of the dataset and not the version that you tokenized before, as you need to tokenize the cleaned text obtained after the initial cleaning process.

def preprocess_text(texts: datasets.formatting.formatting.LazyBatch) -> transformers.tokenization_utils_base.BatchEncoding:
    Applies tokenization to the given dataset.

    :param texts: dataset to tokenize (LazyBatch)

        - tokenized dataset (BatchEncoding)
    return tokenizer(texts["tweet"], truncation=True)
print("Tokenizing text...")

print(f"\n[Debug] Before:\n{data['train']['tweet'][0]}\n")

# Lemmatize and tokenize each sentence
data =, batched=True)

print(f"\n[Debug] After:\n{data['train'][0]['input_ids']}\n")


print("\nTokenization completed!")
Tokenizing text...

[Debug] Before:
writing a uni essay in my local pub with a coffee  random old man keeps asking me drunk questions when i m trying to concentrate  amp  ends with  good luck  but you ll just end up getting married and not use it anyway     is alive and well  
Asking to truncate to max_length but no maximum length is provided and the model has no predefined maximum length. Default to no truncation.

[Debug] After:
[0, 13293, 10, 542, 118, 14700, 11, 127, 400, 8881, 19, 10, 3895, 1437, 9624, 793, 313, 4719, 1996, 162, 10789, 1142, 77, 939, 475, 667, 7, 14410, 1437, 28127, 1437, 3587, 19, 1437, 205, 6620, 1437, 53, 47, 19385, 95, 253, 62, 562, 2997, 8, 45, 304, 24, 6992, 1437, 1437, 1437, 1437, 16, 4299, 8, 157, 1437, 1437, 2]

<s>writing a uni essay in my local pub with a coffee  random old man keeps asking me drunk questions when i m trying to concentrate  amp  ends with  good luck  but you ll just end up getting married and not use it anyway     is alive and well  </s>

Tokenization completed!
data = data.rename_column("hard_label_task1", "label")
    features: ['Unnamed: 0', 'id_EXIST', 'lang', 'tweet', 'label', 'input_ids', 'attention_mask'],
    num_rows: 2870
def compute_metrics(output_info: List[np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Computes accuracy and macro f1 score.

    :param output_info: predictions and labels to compute metrics (list)

        - dictionary of metrics (dict)
    predictions, labels = output_info
    predictions = np.argmax(predictions, axis=-1)

    f1 = f1_score(y_pred=predictions, y_true=labels, average='macro')
    acc = accuracy_score(y_pred=predictions, y_true=labels)
    return {'f1': f1, 'acc': acc}
training_args = TrainingArguments(
data_collator = DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer)

trainer = Trainer(

Performances before fine-tuning.

test_info = trainer.predict(data["test"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = test_info.predictions, test_info.label_ids
test_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer test f1_score {test_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {test_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer test f1_score 0.6234, accuracy 0.6853
  1. Train the Model: Use the Trainer to train the model on your training data.
[1436/3590 04:28 < 06:43, 5.34 it/s, Epoch 4/10]
Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss Model Preparation Time F1 Acc
1 0.447400 0.439996 0.003300 0.843920 0.854430
2 0.316700 0.482837 0.003300 0.851224 0.860759
3 0.199000 0.715282 0.003300 0.850172 0.860759
4 0.116600 0.837943 0.003300 0.843920 0.854430

TrainOutput(global_step=1436, training_loss=0.26992921908917866, metrics={'train_runtime': 268.9611, 'train_samples_per_second': 106.707, 'train_steps_per_second': 13.348, 'total_flos': 403615442254920.0, 'train_loss': 0.26992921908917866, 'epoch': 4.0})
  1. Evaluate the Model on the Test Set using F1-macro.
test_info = trainer.predict(data["test"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = test_info.predictions, test_info.label_ids
test_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer test f1_score {test_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {test_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer test f1_score 0.8451, accuracy 0.8497

We decided to freeze all the layers except for the last three layers of the encoder and the final classifier because we noticed that the model tends to overfit from the very early epochs.

model_name = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
  if 'classifier' in name or 'encoder.layer.10' in name or 'encoder.layer.11' in name or 'encoder.layer.9' in name:
    param.requires_grad = True
    param.requires_grad = False
data_collator = DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer)

trainer = Trainer(
[2513/3590 03:19 < 01:25, 12.60 it/s, Epoch 7/10]
Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss F1 Acc
1 0.433100 0.423892 0.810649 0.822785
2 0.376400 0.397606 0.830348 0.841772
3 0.341400 0.408738 0.818027 0.829114
4 0.309400 0.374536 0.869313 0.873418
5 0.261800 0.441950 0.883385 0.886076
6 0.238800 0.555244 0.876130 0.879747
7 0.207300 0.587575 0.882905 0.886076

TrainOutput(global_step=2513, training_loss=0.30974551230087916, metrics={'train_runtime': 199.3457, 'train_samples_per_second': 143.971, 'train_steps_per_second': 18.009, 'total_flos': 706339100332440.0, 'train_loss': 0.30974551230087916, 'epoch': 7.0})

After freezing the lower layers the overfitting is reduced, enabling the model to train for more epochs. Eventually the model has improved a bit on the test set.

test_info = trainer.predict(data["test"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = test_info.predictions, test_info.label_ids
test_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer test f1_score {test_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {test_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer test f1_score 0.8588, accuracy 0.8601

[Task 7 - 0.5 points] Error Analysis


After evaluating the model, perform a brief error analysis:

  • Review the results and identify common errors.

  • Summarize your findings regarding the errors and their impact on performance (e.g. but not limited to Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words, data imbalance, and performance differences between the custom model and the transformer…)

  • Suggest possible solutions to address the identified errors.

Impact of Seed Initialization on Error Analysis

As a general premise, we noticed that the error analysis is highly dependent on the choice of the initial global seed due to its role in fixing the random vectors associated with UNK tokens. Given the large number of UNK tokens, this heavily influences model performance, causing significant variations in metrics like macro F1 (from about 0.7 to 0.78) and error patterns. With different seeds, entirely different patterns of errors emerge, highlighting the instability caused by small validation and test sets.

To address this a larger dataset could mitigate these issues and provide more reliable insights.


# get predictions as probability distributions
model_test_preds_soft = best_model.predict(test_sentences)
transformer_preds_soft = softmax(torch.tensor(y_pred_transformer), axis=-1)

# get predictions as integer labels (0 -> not sexist, 1 -> sexist)
model_test_preds_hard = np.argmax(model_test_preds_soft, axis=1)
transformer_preds_hard = np.argmax(transformer_preds_soft, axis=-1)
9/9 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 17ms/step

Utility function to make plots

def plot_cm(y_pred: np.ndarray, y_true: np.ndarray, model_name: str, axis: np.ndarray) -> None:
    Plots both confusion matrix and classification report of the given model.

    :param y_pred: model predictions (np.ndarray)
    :param y_true: true labels (np.ndarray)
    :param model_name: name of the model to display (str)
    :param axis: axis to plot on (np.ndarray)
    cr = classification_report(y_true, y_pred, output_dict=True)
    cr = pd.DataFrame(cr).T
    sns.heatmap(cr.iloc[:, :].astype(float), annot=True, fmt=".2f",
                cmap="Blues", cbar=False,
                xticklabels=cr.columns, yticklabels=cr.index,
                linewidths=0.5, linecolor="gray", ax=axis[0])
    axis[0].set_title(f'Classification Report: {model_name}', fontsize=14, weight="bold")

    cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
    disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm)
    disp.plot(cmap="Blues", colorbar=False, ax=axis[1])
    axis[1].set_title(f'Confusion Matrix: {model_name}', fontsize=14, weight="bold")
    axis[1].set_xlabel("Predicted Labels", fontsize=12)
    axis[1].set_ylabel("True Labels", fontsize=12)

    for ax in axis:
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=10)
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=10)

def plot_precision_recall(y_preds: np.ndarray, y_true: np.ndarray, model_name: str, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None:
    Plots precison-recall curve of the given model.

    :param y_preds: model predictions (np.ndarray)
    :param y_true: true labels (np.ndarray)
    :param model_name: name of the model to display (str)
    :param ax: axis to plot on (matplotlib.axes.Axes)
    # Precision recall curve
    y_preds = y_preds[:,1]
    precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_preds)
    prevalence_pos_label = np.sum(y_true) / len(y_true)
    disp = PrecisionRecallDisplay(precision=precision,recall=recall,prevalence_pos_label=prevalence_pos_label)
    auc_score = auc(recall,precision)
    disp.plot(ax,name=f'Model (AUC = {auc_score:.2f}',plot_chance_level=True)
    ax.fill_between(recall, precision, alpha=0.2)
      f"AUC = {auc_score:.2f}",
      bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.7),
    ax.set_xlabel("False Positive Rate (FPR)",fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel("True Positive Rate (TPR)",fontsize=12)
    ax.set_title(f"{model_name} Curve",fontsize=14, weight="bold")

As we can see from the classification reports below there’s a performance gap between the Custom Model and the Transformer. The majority of the errors made by the Custom Model occur on label 1, while the Transformer seems to be more balanced as pointed out by the confusion matrices.

# plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(9,9))
plot_cm(model_test_preds_hard, test_labels, "Best_model",(ax[0][0],ax[1][0]))
plot_cm(transformer_preds_hard, test_labels, "Trasformer",(ax[0][1],ax[1][1]))

As we can see from the Precision-Recall curves on label 1 the Transformer achieves a higher AUC score (0.88) compared to the Custom Model (0.80), indicating better overall precision and recall balance across thresholds.

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,6))
fig.suptitle('Precision Recall curves',fontsize=14, weight="bold")
plot_precision_recall(model_test_preds_soft, test_labels, "Best_model", ax[0])
plot_precision_recall(transformer_preds_soft, test_labels, "Trasformer", ax[1])

Utility function used for decoding sentences to display.

def custom_decode(sentences: np.ndarray) -> List[List[str]]:
    Converts back token ids of the custom model to words.

    :param sentences: sentences to decode (np.ndarray)

        - decoded sentences (list)
    decoded_sentences = []
    for sentence in sentences:
        decoded_sentence = []
        for word in sentence:
            if word != 0:
    return decoded_sentences
decoded_test = custom_decode(test_sentences)

Dataset Imbalance

Let’s show how the labels are distributed across the dataset.

def plot_data_distribution(df: pd.DataFrame, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, title: str) -> None:
    Shows the distribution of a dataset split.

    :param df: split of the dataset (pd.DataFrame)
    :param ax: axis to plot on (matplotlib.axes.Axes)
    :param title: title of the plot (str)
    label_1 = len(df[df["hard_label_task1"] == 1])
    label_0 = len(df[df["hard_label_task1"] == 0])
    bar_colors = ["#6baed6", "#2171b5"]
    bars =["label_1", "label_0"], [label_1, label_0], color=bar_colors)
    percentages = [(label_1 / len(df))*100, (label_0 / len(df))*100]
    for bar, percentage in zip(bars, percentages):
            bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2,
    ax.set_ylabel("label count")

All the three splits seem to have similar label distribution, even though the train set is slightly more imbalanced. Perhaps this imbalance could be the reason why the Custom Model tends to have a bias towards non sexism as previously shown by the confusion matrix.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5))
plot_data_distribution(train_df, ax[0], "train")
plot_data_distribution(validation_df, ax[1], "validation")
plot_data_distribution(test_df, ax[2], "test")

Sentence-level analysis

Let’s now see which are the common errors at sentence level.

def display_common_errors(model_preds: np.ndarray, transformer_preds: np.ndarray, true_labels: np.ndarray, sentences: List[List[str]]) -> None:
  Shows the common errors between the custom model and the transformer.

  :param model_preds: predictions of the custom model (np.ndarray)
  :param transformer_preds: predictions of the transformer (np.ndarray)
  :param true_labels: true labels (np.ndarray)
  :param sentences: input sentences (list)
  common_errors = pd.DataFrame(columns=["sentence", "true_label", "model_prediction",'transformer_pred'])
  transformer_errors = pd.DataFrame(columns=["sentence", "true_label", "model_prediction",'transformer_pred','diff_pred'])
  model_errors = pd.DataFrame(columns=["sentence", "true_label", "model_prediction",'transformer_pred','diff_pred'])
  sentences = sentences.apply(lambda x: copy.deepcopy(x))

  model_hards = np.argmax(model_preds, axis=1)
  transformer_hards = np.argmax(transformer_preds, axis=1)

  for i in range(len(true_labels)):
    if true_labels[i][0] != transformer_hards[i]:
      if model_hards[i] == transformer_hards[i]:
        common_errors.loc[len(common_errors)] = [
                  " ".join(sentences[i]),
        transformer_errors.loc[len(transformer_errors)] = [
                  " ".join(sentences[i]),
                  abs(model_preds[i][true_labels[i][0]] - transformer_preds[i][true_labels[i][0]]),
    elif model_hards[i] != transformer_hards[i]:
      for j in range(len(sentences[i])):
        if sentences[i][j] in oov_terms or sentences[i][j] not in word_listing:
          if sentences[i][j] in oov_terms:
            sentences[i][j] = f"<span style='color:red'>{sentences[i][j]}</span>"
            sentences[i][j] = f"<span style='color:blue'>{sentences[i][j]}</span>"

      model_errors.loc[len(model_errors)] = [
                " ".join(sentences[i]),
                abs(model_preds[i][true_labels[i][0]] - transformer_preds[i][true_labels[i][0]]),

  common_errors = common_errors.sort_values(by='true_label', ascending=False)
  transformer_errors = transformer_errors.sort_values(by='diff_pred', ascending=False)
  model_errors = model_errors.sort_values(by='diff_pred', ascending=False)

  return common_errors, transformer_errors, model_errors

Below we display the sentences that both the Custom Model and the Tranformer got wrong along with the corresponding prediction values. The prediction value represents the probability that the model assigns to the true label, i.e smaller values imply larger errors made by the model.

common_errors, transformer_errors, model_errors = display_common_errors(model_test_preds_soft, transformer_preds_soft, test_labels, test_tokenized)
print(f'Number of common errors between the Custom Model and the Transformer: {len(common_errors)}')
common_errors =**{'text-align':'left'})
Number of common errors between the Custom Model and the Transformer: 30
  sentence true_label model_prediction transformer_pred
1 that gold digger be nice but the picture and set up for them be elite pinwork be like the revealing of the mona lisa always a work of art 1 0.045073 0.109728
2 dear fan can we not harass talented actor of color stop be racist douche nozzle this be why we can t have nice thing moses be a badass inquisitor and y all can t handle her badassary 1 0.284516 0.038928
4 call to clean up parliament s laddish culture after mp s porn shame via 1 0.271655 0.365000
9 i don t need a man to tell me what to stand up for thank you 1 0.314866 0.255073
8 go weak rn play the guitar manspreading i be on my knee 1 0.044828 0.229011
7 mansplaining the concept of a pee drawer to my partner who want me 1 0.332612 0.196164
13 cyborg politics be the struggle for language and the struggle against perfect communication against the one code that translate all mean perfectly the central dogma of phallogocentrism 1 0.018916 0.012902
12 have i miss something or have phallocentrism become the late cult 1 0.315829 0.036020
10 why bother go to mar if life there be just go to be more of the same toxic sexism racism and bigotry the same horrible oppression unfairness and inequality that make earth a living hell for so many 1 0.058804 0.308408
20 i pack my hubby case when we be go to a wedding in england tell him to pop his underpants in get to england he put his kilt outfit on and everyone discover what a true scot doesn t wear under his kilt if i don t do it it doesn t get do men 1 0.056732 0.182320
18 bounceeyyyy boobieeeessssss 1 0.392917 0.040618
17 but you can enter my heart anytime baby i want u to sodomize me emotionally huhuhu 1 0.482891 0.361583
16 yea back when i didn t even have one to slap unfortunate 1 0.306543 0.096619
15 accord to the human right commission in people experience sexual harassment at work we have create an online course provide strategy to prevent and respond should incidents occur start your course at 1 0.093599 0.074334
29 this genration be no more then selfish cunt more matter how genuine you be you do all the right thing and they still make you look like a cunt it s only get bad too and people ask me why i don t bother with anyone 1 0.081977 0.310637
11 notice something else tho almost every single one be a man that s such a fucking problem that this be how some men believe they should let out their anger and hatred this society need to do good it do not even benefit the men patriarchy misogyny fail everyone 0 0.455971 0.125236
3 yup i hate when men rape and kill woman 0 0.054037 0.002256
5 stop don t lie to these people lady don t let this man trick you out of the great organ of your life cause what 0 0.104192 0.004390
0 sex a in gender harassment be what they be infer 0 0.215036 0.066964
6 lady don t have a miscarriage in louisiana if you do in addition to probably have your friend and family sue by some opportunistic yokel you ll be charge with murder 0 0.152081 0.002646
19 today s woman eye makeup and those nail too 0 0.300865 0.099775
14 call a man bald be sexual harassment via 0 0.184400 0.059021
21 oh so now u can t understand woman s word 0 0.060663 0.006125
22 the question be do i wear the very short skirt that literally show my as with kneehighs or opt out for a short 0 0.441833 0.081327
24 feminism v womanism hudson weems identifies far difference between womanism and feminism be womanism be family orient and focus on race class and gender while feminism be female orient and strictly focus on biological sex relate issue woman face 0 0.143654 0.187458
23 my new favorite meme be the pregnant woman drive in the oklahoma hov lane tell the state trooper who pull her over that she be drive with another person 0 0.196056 0.113502
25 yeah woman be get just a bad i ve notice it anyway i m sorry people be send you stuff like that it can be so gross 0 0.172709 0.012971
26 a vasectomy be a simple surgery do in an office hospital or clinic hour later recovery be pretty much complete tubal ligation recovery take week longer if it s do follow a c section or childbirth many woman can t afford to take week off work 0 0.247540 0.201829
27 woman shouldn t have to share their trauma story for you to feel empathy for the way they re feel today stand with them we deserve a choice junta si podemos 0 0.250281 0.080697
28 uh they re allow to call this out make you look like a cunt fortunately i ll block you so fast you wont get your screenshot 0 0.418653 0.012207

Here we display the sentences that only the Transformer got wrong, along with the absolute differences between prediction values. The sentences are sorted by these differences.

print(f'Number of Transformer-only errors: {len(transformer_errors)}')
transformer_errors =**{'text-align':'left'})
Number of Transformer-only errors: 10
  sentence true_label model_prediction transformer_pred diff_pred
5 dude look like a lady aerosmith 1 0.936352 0.188096 0.748256
6 stay on penis masturbate the penis forever 0 0.830019 0.092392 0.737627
3 well let me ask for the guy do you ever just grab your testicle because you can 0 0.823763 0.152067 0.671696
0 i mean i do but wouldn t it be fun to get gangbanged together 0 0.980279 0.325955 0.654325
1 appreciate be include along with on the uvalde gunman s history of cyber gender harassment regrettably unshocking 0 0.638995 0.007495 0.631501
7 it s in the teaxass code book of penis envy idiot that it s gun over everything sad thing be it s spread and the more we try to stop it the faster it spread like the diseased idiot that support it 0 0.838803 0.217703 0.621100
2 how do we reach a point where blonks be have the audacity to talk about yoongis rap do y all see who you stan be y all ok your girl can t write can t deliver can t come close to bts s lyricism tf be y all get brave for fashion deal 0 0.594202 0.019369 0.574833
4 stop say i say this cu she have short hair some of her gay look come from blonde ponytail era know ur herstory 1 0.856455 0.330240 0.526215
8 sharia law in the religion of islam allows abortion before the th montha for rape incest mental physical health or life of mother be at risk after the th month abortion allow only to save the life of the mother 0 0.505552 0.284134 0.221419
9 isw publish the fake crap of any of the map they be just a front for the u state department they be fake news victoria nuland be the woman directly involve in the armed overthrow of the ukraine government in 0 0.538044 0.371504 0.166539

Conversely the sentences below represent the errors made only by the Custom Model. Additionally we have highlighted the UNK terms in blue and the OOV in red, showing that many of these words are closely related to sexism. Probably such words, which are highly informative for this task, caused the Custom Model to fail on those sentences.

print(f'Number of Custom Model-only errors: {len(model_errors)}')
model_errors =**{'text-align':'left'})
Number of Custom Model-only errors: 40
  sentence true_label model_prediction transformer_pred diff_pred
29 sound like the typa nigga to let his bos sodomize him cause the job come with perk stfu keep that dick in ya mouth nd stay way the fuck out there wherever u nd that ignorant as comment be think of 1 0.073411 0.987215 0.913804
9 y all be husband and wife and best friend you guy have so much fun it s awesome you keep each other laughing and smile 0 0.079544 0.990332 0.910788
32 never know you all share tits how do we stop be pal again yeah 1 0.079930 0.972010 0.892079
28 der i literally take it last night slutbag 1 0.059965 0.949125 0.889161
10 wait till ur husband mess up u gon na love the scouser death threat 1 0.086108 0.975064 0.888955
21 eat out both hole and then slide my dick in you and pound you till you squirt 1 0.118759 0.984013 0.865254
1 suika get gangbanged to death 1 0.113801 0.971719 0.857918
38 yo i swear sagittarius men and woman be the funny 0 0.089753 0.922790 0.833037
4 the violent antifeminism of a far right movement that see principally a vessel for breed a new white generation express itself in a fixation on a return to traditional gender role worth every minute to read take min out of your sun 1 0.050172 0.864687 0.814515
37 you don t know who invent womanism huh okay risk skin cancer i guess best of luck to you 1 0.201679 0.990023 0.788343
5 isa hot girl summer now pop yall shit 0 0.198477 0.983003 0.784526
15 can you confront your misogyny misandry be hardly a problem in the world by comparison and if it exist it a reaction to abuse 1 0.196442 0.971214 0.774772
22 it s ironic that the majority of the people happy about this in the comment be people who can t get pregnant 1 0.167558 0.917408 0.749850
14 why do you feel unsafe share a bathroom with a transwoman seem like some bigotry you need to unpack yourself not far marginalize an already marginalize group 1 0.076321 0.824592 0.748271
11 aughhh i still get an exam tomorrow i hate woman 1 0.159302 0.905700 0.746397
25 it just show how money rule the world i m so disappointed that ripley s would even allow it out of the building and to let that reality skank get it be an incredible insult i be wait for an sub full of armed robber to overtake her in the end khloe look well 1 0.254709 0.936507 0.681798
23 have a dream that i be at a party with my friend and bill gate show up and i say to my friend look at his pregnant as belly 0 0.304590 0.986050 0.681460
17 on the audio from when his finger be cut off even the people that be there say she do it she say she s totally against cocaine but do cocaine try to say the nurse be basically lie in her note about her do drug everyone be lie but her 0 0.266323 0.945932 0.679609
12 they tell u we re brood mare amp must die so cell clump can live carry our rapist baby amp want u to protest civilly yes he s mansplaining protest nicely while we be move toward enslavement polite little ladies no 1 0.323620 0.964314 0.640694
27 jealous plss talk about his new album u wrinkly slutbag 1 0.042669 0.682589 0.639920
39 little woman atlanta star m juicy reveal health struggle after have a stroke 0 0.376461 0.991794 0.615333
2 maybe something involve her get gangbanged 1 0.381396 0.995329 0.613932
30 so you stereotype someone base on their appearance be what make you some form of enlightened individual a oppose to a throwback racist cretin get it judge people by the race and appearance accord to this guy 0 0.363724 0.967839 0.604115
33 should focus on money freedom and not retirement today s woman may still think about a not have to work read why gt 1 0.341708 0.938272 0.596564
0 st day at the pool on a beautiful sunday in ny too bad few dare to go in due to the frigid water temp we last min and figure we prove our point 0 0.422451 0.995615 0.573164
8 best way to do that be from behind her with your hand on her hip 1 0.442914 0.988667 0.545753
16 most woman who don t like bath go to girls school 1 0.443296 0.989010 0.545713
19 ah here she be work hard to promote the patriarchy exploit the light music club girl like porn victim by make them drink tea eat cake and occasionally play cute song or something also trick young woman into like the show how dare she 1 0.452815 0.996730 0.543915
3 kabul islamic emirate of afghanistan have announce the end of co education in the country cite gender harassment female student will attend university on monday wednesday and saturday while tuesday thursday and sunday be fix for male 1 0.453141 0.977071 0.523930
6 my baby call me mommy sha for the first time today twice y all don t understand how hype that make me baby girl have autism and get her to talk without be prompt have be a challenge she s come so far 0 0.469968 0.990878 0.520910
26 i kinda get her point but a slag be too far off for me 1 0.395405 0.897156 0.501750
36 so why tf ya call it femism shouldn t it be womanism if that s the case 1 0.486762 0.988478 0.501716
20 fuck s sake be it possible to have a furry space that s not explicitly content restrict and doesn t immediately become yet another showcase for size queen phallocentrism 1 0.179012 0.665819 0.486806
34 an unarmed black woman drive a car with a broken tail light be more dangerous than a white supremacist terrorist who murder people 1 0.280515 0.694021 0.413506
31 superwoman syndrome it s all too real and debilitate for this gal 1 0.458902 0.816766 0.357864
7 he try to expose this gold digger but it backfire day fianc e b via 0 0.264883 0.560497 0.295614
13 wonwoo cross legs amp jun manspreading 1 0.374546 0.648841 0.274295
24 i don t care what gender race religion sexual orientation a person be as long a they be qualify for that position that be say be she qualify base on experience education or be she choose solely because she be black and gay to please progressive wake just say 1 0.320049 0.591192 0.271143
18 a a diverse and pluralistic country america s law should not be base on a distorted and patriarchal interpretation of christianity furthermore the government should have no role whatsoever in a woman s private healthcare decision 0 0.329812 0.504869 0.175056
35 i be non binary and also lean into my femininity most of the time i be content with be afab amp be see a a woman amp embrace it other time i simply want to be a genderless thing that exist 0 0.344296 0.512631 0.168335

Let’s now analyze potential patterns of error in the model’s predictions. We will start by plotting the length of the sentences that were incorrectly classified, this analysis can help us identify whether the model struggles with sentences of specific lengths.

def plot_len_sentences(
    model_predictions: np.ndarray,
    true_labels: np.ndarray,
    sentences: List[List[str]],
    model_name: str) -> None:
    Plots the length of the wrong classified sentences for each label and calculates correlation.

    :param model_predictions: predictions of the model (np.ndarray)
    :param true_labels: true labels (np.ndarray)
    :param sentences: input sentences (list)
    :param model_name: name of the model for the plot title (str)
    df = pd.DataFrame({"sentences": list(sentences)})
    df["true_label"] = true_labels
    df["pred_label"] = model_predictions.astype(int)

    df_wrong = df[df["true_label"] != df["pred_label"]]
    len_sentences_wrong = Counter([len(row) for row in df_wrong["sentences"]])
    len_sentences = Counter([len(row) for row in df["sentences"]])

    all_lengths, all_counts = zip(*len_sentences.items())
    wrong_lengths, wrong_counts = zip(*len_sentences_wrong.items()), wrong_counts, color="tab:blue", label="Wrong Sentences"), all_counts, alpha=0.3, color="tab:blue", label="All Sentences")
    plt.title(f"Length of {model_name} wrong sentences")
    plt.xlabel("Sentence Length")

    wrong_dict = dict(len_sentences_wrong)
    all_dict = dict(len_sentences)

    lengths = list(set(all_dict.keys()).union(set(wrong_dict.keys())))
    wrong_counts_aligned = [wrong_dict.get(length, 0) for length in lengths]
    all_counts_aligned = [all_dict.get(length, 0) for length in lengths]

    correlation = np.corrcoef(wrong_counts_aligned, all_counts_aligned)[0, 1]
    print(f"Correlation between wrong sentence lengths and total lengths: {correlation:.2f}")

Comparing the length distribution of the missclassified sentences with that of all sentences we noticed a quite high correlation between the two. This means that sentence length does not significantly influence the predictions of either the Custom Model or the Transformer.

plot_len_sentences(model_test_preds_hard, test_labels, decoded_test, 'Custom Model')

Correlation between wrong sentence lengths and total lengths: 0.71
plot_len_sentences(transformer_preds_hard, test_labels, decoded_test, 'Transformer')

Correlation between wrong sentence lengths and total lengths: 0.50

Word-level analysis

Since it looks like there are no clear error patterns at sentence level, we will delve into a more fine-grained analysis: a word-level analysis. This analysis will help us understand whether certain types of words systematically affect the model’s predictions.

def plot_unk_stats(model_predictions: np.ndarray,
                   true_labels: np.ndarray,
                   sentences: List[List[str]]) -> Tuple[List[str],List[str]]:
  Displays the statistic releated to the UNK token.

  :param model_predictions: predictions of the model (np.ndarray)
  :param true_labels: true labels (np.ndarray)
  :param sentences: input sentences (list)

  def update_stats(df:pd.DataFrame) -> None:
    all_words = Counter(
      word if word not in oov_terms else 'OOV' for row in df["sentences"] for word in row
    df_wrong = df[df['true_label'] != df['pred_label']]
    wrongest_words = Counter(
      word if word not in oov_terms else 'OOV' for row in df_wrong["sentences"] for word in row

    count_total_unk, count_total_oov = all_words['UNK'], all_words['OOV']
    count_wrong_unk, count_wrong_oov = wrongest_words['UNK'], wrongest_words['OOV']

    unk_per_sentences = np.mean([sum([1 for word in sentence if word=='UNK']) for sentence in df["sentences"]])
    unk_per_wrong_sentences = np.mean([sum([1 for word in sentence if word=='UNK']) for sentence in df_wrong["sentences"]])
    unk_stats.loc[len(unk_stats)] = [len(df), len(df_wrong), count_total_unk, count_wrong_unk, count_total_oov, count_wrong_oov]

  column_names = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Sentences', 'UNK', 'OOV'], ['Total', 'Wrong']])
  unk_stats = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_names, dtype = int)
  df = pd.DataFrame({"sentences": list(sentences)})
  df["true_label"] = true_labels
  df["pred_label"] = model_predictions

  df_0 = df[df["true_label"] == 0]
  df_1 = df[df["true_label"] == 1]
  print('Statistics of UNK and OOV terms of Custom Model\n')

The table below shows statistics related to the presence of UNK and OOV tokens in the sentences, distinguishing between all sentences (total) and those incorrectly classified. Although there are differences in the counts, the proportion of UNK and OOV tokens in wrong predictions does not suggest a strong influence on the Custom Model’s errors. Specifically:

  • UNK tokens appear frequently in both total and wrong sentences, but their distribution does not seem to correlate with misclassifications.

  • OOV tokens are relatively rare overall, but a large number of them (11 out of 20) appear in misclassified sentences with label 1. Indeed, as we have seen in the earlier analysis section, these terms are closely related to sexism and are important for the task.

plot_unk_stats(model_test_preds_hard, test_labels, decoded_test)
Statistics of UNK and OOV terms of Custom Model
Sentences UNK OOV
Total Wrong Total Wrong Total Wrong
0 160 27 340 35 10 0
1 126 43 218 60 20 11

Since UNK terms do not appear to be correlated with the Custom Model’s errors, we will now focus on analyzing the frequency of the most common terms, including OOV terms. This analysis aims to identify the words most strongly correlated with the model’s misclassifications.

def plot_wrong_word(model_predictions: np.ndarray,
                    true_labels: np.ndarray,
                    sentences: List[List[str]],
                    model_name: str,
                    top_wrongest: int = 20) -> None:
    Shows the most frequent words in wrong classified sentences.

    :param model_predictions: predictions of the model (np.ndarray)
    :param true_labels: true labels (np.ndarray)
    :param model_name: name of the model for the plot title (str)
    :param sentences: input sentences (list)
    def find_wrongest(df: pd.DataFrame, label: int, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None:
        df = df[df["true_label"] == label]
        all_words = Counter(
            word for row in df["sentences"] for word in row if word not in stop_words
        df_wrong = df[df['true_label'] != df['pred_label']]
        wrongest_words = Counter(
            word for row in df_wrong["sentences"] for word in row if word not in stop_words

        wr_words, wr_counts = zip(*wrongest_words.most_common(top_wrongest)[:0:-1])
        ax.barh(wr_words, wr_counts, color="skyblue", label='Wrong Sentences')
        counts = [all_words[word] for word in wr_words]
        ax.barh(wr_words, counts, color="skyblue",alpha=0.4, label='All Sentences')
        ax.set_title(f"Wrongest words in label {label}")

    stop_words = list(stopwords.words("english")) + list(stopwords.words("spanish")) + ['n', 'ser']
    df = pd.DataFrame({"sentences": list(sentences)})
    df["true_label"] = true_labels
    df["pred_label"] = model_predictions.astype(int)

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5))
    fig.suptitle(f'{model_name} charts', weight="bold")
    find_wrongest(df, 0, axs[0])
    find_wrongest(df, 1, axs[1])

Each of the following chart highlights the top words that contributed to the model’s errors for the respective label. Common stop words (e.g., “the”, “and”, “is”) are removed to focus on more meaningful terms that might influence the model’s predictions.

For each word, the chart shows: * Darker Bars: Frequency of the word in misclassified sentences. * Lighter Bars (Transparent): Overall frequency of the word in all sentences of the given label.

Here are the key findings from the Custom Model charts:

  • Label 0: As shown in the left chart, most of the words are closely related to sexism (e.g., ‘woman’, ‘sex’, ‘feminism’, ‘harassment’). In particular, the word ‘woman’ is not only the most frequently misclassified word but also the one with the highest misclassification rate compared to its overall occurrence in sentences.

  • Label 1: As shown in the right chart, there is no single word particularly correlated with misclassifications for label 1, for instance ‘woman’ is by far the most frequent word in all sentences, it has a relatively low proportion of misclassifications compared to its total occurrences.

Final observations:

This analysis suggests that the model may exhibit a bias, associating the word ‘woman’ strongly with sexism, regardless of the actual context. This bias could be influencing the model’s overall performance.

plot_wrong_word(model_test_preds_hard, test_labels, decoded_test, 'Custom Model')

Here are the key findings from the Transformer charts:

Label 0: Similar to the Custom Model, most of the words are closely related to sexism. However, in the Transformer Model, the word ‘woman’ is again the most frequently misclassified word but with a slightly lower misclassification rate compared to its overall occurrence in sentences, suggesting the Transformer may handle this word marginally better than the Custom Model.

Label 1: Unlike Label 0, there is no clear word strongly correlated with misclassifications. Words such as ‘like’, ‘look’, ‘get’ contribute the most to errors, but they are general-purpose words rather than terms specifically related to sexism. This indicates that, for label 1, the Transformer’s errors are not driven by any specific thematic words. The word ‘woman’ does not appear in the chart for label 1, meaning that it does not play an important role in the misclassifications for this label.

Final Observations:

This analysis reveals that the Transformer exhibits the same bias as the Custom Model, associating the word ‘woman’ strongly with sexism, regardless of the actual context.

plot_wrong_word(transformer_preds_hard, test_labels, decoded_test, 'Transformer')

This consistent pattern across both models suggests that the bias may not originate from the models themselves but rather from the dataset.

If the dataset overrepresents the word ‘woman’ in contexts related to sexism, the models are likely to learn an inaccurate association between the word and sexist content. This imbalance might cause the models to incorrectly classify sentences containing ‘woman’, even when the context is neutral.

Correlation Analysis: Woman, OOV and UNK tokens

After identifying error patterns involving the word ‘woman’, OOV tokens, and UNK tokens, we aim to test their significance by calculating their correlation with misclassification errors. This analysis will help determine whether these factors are strongly associated with errors or if their impact is less meaningful. Understanding these correlations is crucial for validating the observed patterns.

def plot_correlation(
                     labels: np.ndarray,
                     predictions: np.ndarray,
                     sentences: List[List[str]],
                     model_name: str,
                     oov_terms: List[str] = []) -> None:
  Computes and plots correlations to highlight relevant patterns.

  :param labels: true labels (np.ndarray)
  :param predictions: predictions of the model (np.ndarray)
  :param sentences: input sentences (list)
  :param model_name: name of the model for the plot title (str)
  :param oov_terms: list of OOV terms (list)
  def compute_correlation(label: int, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None:

    report = pd.DataFrame(

    for enum, sentence in enumerate(sentences):

      if labels[enum] == label:

        unk_count = 0
        oov_count = 0
        woman_count = 0

        for word in sentence:
          if word == "UNK":
              unk_count += 1
          if word in oov_terms:
              oov_count += 1
          if word == 'woman':
              woman_count += 1

        is_wrong = 1
        if labels[enum] == predictions[enum]:
          is_wrong = 0

        report.loc[len(report)] = [

    if model_name == 'Transformer':
      report = report[['woman','is_wrong']]

    corr = report.corr()
    sns.heatmap(corr, cmap="Blues", annot=True, ax = ax,vmin=0,vmax=1);
    ax.set_title(f'Label {label}')

  fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
  fig.suptitle(f'{model_name} Correlation Matrices', weight="bold")
  compute_correlation(0, ax[0])
  compute_correlation(1, ax[1])

The correlation matrix confirms the pattern seen earlier: the word ‘woman’ is positively correlated with errors in label 0 and negatively correlated with errors in label 1. This shows that the Custom Model tends to associate ‘woman’ with sexism in label 0 and is less likely to misclassify sentences with ‘woman’ in label 1.

On the other hand, UNK and OOV terms show no significant correlation with errors.

plot_correlation(test_labels, model_test_preds_hard, decoded_test,'Custom Model', oov_terms)

The correlation matrix for the Transformer shows similar results to the Custom Model, with a slightly lower positive correlation with errors in label 0.

It does not include UNK and OOV terms because the Transformer model processes the input directly using its own tokenization. This structural difference simplifies the analysis, focusing only on the word ‘woman’ and its correlation with errors.

plot_correlation(test_labels, transformer_preds_hard, decoded_test, 'Transformer')

# get OOV terms in wrong sentences of label 1
wrong_oov_1 = [word  for i, sentence in enumerate(decoded_test) for word in sentence if test_labels[i] != model_test_preds_hard[i] and test_labels[i] == 1 and word in oov_terms]
print(f'OOV terms in misclassified sentences of label 1: {set(wrong_oov_1)}')
OOV terms in misclassified sentences of label 1: {'slutbag', 'gangbanged', 'phallogocentrism', 'phallocentrism', 'manspreading', 'mansplaining'}

Actually we think that the weak correlation between OOV terms and misclassified sentences on label 1 is due to the fact that, as we have seen from the previous analyses, the most informative OOV terms were exclusively found in the misclassified sentences of label 1. So we will try to recompute the correlation focusing only on those terms (the ones in the list above).

plot_correlation(test_labels, model_test_preds_hard, decoded_test,'Custom Model', wrong_oov_1)

As expected the correlation between OOV terms and misclassified sentences has increased, meaning that these terms are a source of error for label 1 sentences.

Given the two main error patterns identified in the previous analyses, we propose the following solutions:

  • ‘woman’ pattern: addressing this issue would require refining the dataset, providing more diverse contextual examples, and/or applying bias mitigation strategies during training.
  • OOV pattern: a possible solution could be trying to assign to these terms an embedding close to semantically similar words already present in our vocabulary, or implementing subword tokenization techniques.

Mulitilingual Model

This section explores Spanish tweets using three different models: the two previously discussed models and a multilingual transformer. Since the test split of the dataset does not include Spanish tweets, we decided to evaluate performance on the validation set.

Custom Model

url = ""

train_df = pd.read_json(url + "training.json").T
validation_df = pd.read_json(url + "validation.json").T
train_df = corpus(train_df,multilingual=True)
validation_df = corpus(validation_df,multilingual=True)
id_EXIST lang tweet hard_label_task1
0 300002 es @anacaotica88 @MordorLivin No me acuerdo de lo... 1
1 300003 es @cosmicJunkBot lo digo cada pocos dias y lo re... 0
2 300004 es Also mientras les decia eso la señalaba y deci... 1
3 300005 es And all people killed, attacked, harassed by ... 0
4 300006 es On this #WorldPressFreedomDay I’m thinking of ... 0
... ... ... ... ...
643 400172 en @leesu44 @elishabroadway @markbann57 @SeaeyesT... 1
644 400174 en It is is impossible for a man to become a woma... 1
645 400175 en If Gaga decided to sing 18 versions of Free Wo... 0
646 400176 en This is your reminder that you can be child-fr... 0
647 400177 en just completed my last final, i’m officially a... 0

648 rows × 4 columns

Once we introduced Spanish tweets into the dataset, the labels became more balanced than before, especially in the validation set.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 5))
plot_data_distribution(train_df, ax[0], "train")
plot_data_distribution(validation_df, ax[1], "validation")

print(f'Number of english tweet in train set: {len(train_df[train_df["lang"] == "en"])}')
print(f'Number of spanish tweet in train set: {len(train_df[train_df["lang"] == "es"])}\n')

print(f'Number of english tweet in validation set: {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "en"])}')
print(f'Number of spanish tweet in validation set: {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "es"])}')
Number of english tweet in train set: 2870
Number of spanish tweet in train set: 3194

Number of english tweet in validation set: 158
Number of spanish tweet in validation set: 490
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(lambda txt: text_prepare(txt))
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(lambda txt: text_prepare(txt))

For the lemmatization part, we could not use the WordNet Lemmatizer as it is designed exclusively for English. Therefore, we decided to adopt the Spacy Lemmatizer, which supports both English and Spanish sentences.

nlp_en = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
nlp_es = spacy.load("es_core_news_sm")

def tokenize_tweet(row: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Tokenizes and lemmatizes the given tweet based on the specified language.

    :param row: row of a DataFrame (pd.Series)

    :return: tokenized and lemmatized tweet (List[str])
    nlp = nlp_en if row['lang'] == "en" else nlp_es
    doc = nlp(row['tweet'])
    row['tweet'] = [token.lemma_ for token in doc if not token.is_space]
    return row

train_df = train_df.apply(tokenize_tweet,axis=1)
validation_df = validation_df.apply(tokenize_tweet,axis=1)
idx_to_word, word_to_idx, word_listing = build_vocabulary(train_df)
print(f"\n[Debug] Index -> Word vocabulary size: {len(idx_to_word)}")
print(f"[Debug] Word -> Index vocabulary size: {len(word_to_idx)}")
print(f"[Debug] Some words: {[(idx_to_word[idx], idx) for idx in np.arange(20)]}")
100%|██████████| 6064/6064 [00:00<00:00, 118996.81it/s]

[Debug] Index -> Word vocabulary size: 19132
[Debug] Word -> Index vocabulary size: 19132
[Debug] Some words: [('PAD', 0), ('UNK', 1), ('ignorar', 2), ('al', 3), ('otro', 4), ('ser', 5), ('uno', 6), ('capullo', 7), ('el', 8), ('problema', 9), ('con', 10), ('este', 11), ('youtuber', 12), ('denunciar', 13), ('acoso', 14), ('cuando', 15), ('no', 16), ('afectar', 17), ('a', 18), ('gente', 19)]

We decided to use GloVe-Twitter, a specialized version of GloVe, because it includes a larger vocabulary compared to the previously used version, particularly providing embeddings for many Spanish words.

embedding_dimension = 200
embedding_model = gloader.load(f"glove-twitter-{embedding_dimension}")
embedding_matrix = build_embedding_matrix(
    embedding_model, embedding_dimension, word_to_idx, len(word_to_idx)
print(f"Embedding matrix shape: {embedding_matrix.shape}")
100%|██████████| 19132/19132 [00:00<00:00, 130848.23it/s]
Embedding matrix shape: (19132, 200)
oov_terms = check_OOV_terms(embedding_model, word_listing)
oov_percentage = float(len(oov_terms)) * 100 / len(word_listing)
print(f"Total OOV terms: {len(oov_terms)} ({oov_percentage:.2f}%)")
Total OOV terms: 3495 (18.27%)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(put_unk)
max_train_length = max(len(tweet) for tweet in train_df["tweet"])
max_validation_length = max(len(tweet) for tweet in validation_df["tweet"])
max_sequence_lenght = max(max_train_length, max_validation_length)

print(f"Max sequence lenght in train set: {max_train_length}")
print(f"Max sequence lenght in validation set: {max_validation_length}")
print(f"Max sequence lenght: {max_sequence_lenght}")
Max sequence lenght in train set: 62
Max sequence lenght in validation set: 61
Max sequence lenght: 62
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(pad_tweet)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(pad_tweet)
train_df["tweet"] = train_df["tweet"].apply(word_to_num)
validation_df["tweet"] = validation_df["tweet"].apply(word_to_num)
train_sentences, train_labels = format_data(
    train_df["tweet"], train_df["hard_label_task1"]
validation_sentences, validation_labels = format_data(
    validation_df["tweet"], validation_df["hard_label_task1"]
categorical_train_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(train_labels, num_classes=2)
categorical_validation_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(
    validation_labels, num_classes=2
best_seed = 2
best_model = get_model(add_lstm=False, vocab_size=len(word_listing))

if == "Baseline":
    multilingual_model = get_model(add_lstm=False, vocab_size=len(word_listing))
    multilingual_model = get_model(add_lstm=True, vocab_size=len(word_listing))

multilingual_model, _, _, _, _= train_loop(multilingual_model)
validation_preds = np.argmax(multilingual_model(validation_sentences), axis=1)
print(classification_report(validation_labels, validation_preds, digits=3))
cm = confusion_matrix(validation_labels, validation_preds)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm)
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0      0.718     0.806     0.759       319
           1      0.786     0.693     0.737       329

    accuracy                          0.748       648
   macro avg      0.752     0.749     0.748       648
weighted avg      0.753     0.748     0.748       648

def count_misclassified_sentences(df: pd.DataFrame, preds: List[int],labels: List[int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
  count_total = 0
  count_en = 0
  count_es = 0

  for i, pred in enumerate(preds):
    if pred != labels[i]:
      count_total += 1
      if df.iloc[i]['lang'] == 'en':
        count_en += 1
        count_es += 1
  return count_total, count_en, count_es

count_total, count_en, count_es = count_misclassified_sentences(validation_df,validation_preds,validation_labels)
print(f'Total misclassified sentences: {count_total}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in English: {count_en}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in Spanish: {count_es}')
Total misclassified sentences: 163
Misclassified sentences in English: 28
Misclassified sentences in Spanish: 135
decoded_validation = custom_decode(validation_sentences)
plot_unk_stats(validation_preds, validation_labels, decoded_validation)
Statistics of UNK and OOV terms of Custom Model
Sentences UNK OOV
Total Wrong Total Wrong Total Wrong
0 319 62 735 149 204 37
1 329 101 648 228 212 64

As we can see, the most common words in the misclassified sentences are predominantly Spanish, due to the fact that Spanish sentences are more prevalent than English ones in the validation split. Moreover, we observe a similar pattern to the previous error analysis with the word ‘woman’. Specifically, the Spanish equivalent, ‘mujer’, is the most frequent word in misclassified sentences with label 0 and, while it is the overall most frequent word in label 1, it appears rarely in misclassified sentences for that label.

plot_wrong_word(validation_preds, validation_labels, decoded_validation, 'Custom Model')


Now we will fine-tune the same transformer architecture used earlier in the monolingual section, adopting the same preprocessing procedure and training hyperparameters. As expected, the performance on the validation set dropped slightly, likely because this architecture was mostly pretrained on English text.

model_name = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
    model_name, ignore_mismatched_sizes=True
data = datasets.load_dataset(
        "train": "train_multilingual.csv",
        "validation": "validation_multilingual.csv",
data =, batched=True)
data = data.rename_column("hard_label_task1", "label")
Asking to truncate to max_length but no maximum length is provided and the model has no predefined maximum length. Default to no truncation.
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
  if 'classifier' in name or 'encoder.layer.10' in name or 'encoder.layer.11' in name or 'encoder.layer.9' in name:
    param.requires_grad = True
    param.requires_grad = False
training_args = TrainingArguments(
data_collator = DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer)

trainer = Trainer(
validation_info = trainer.predict(data["validation"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = validation_info.predictions, validation_info.label_ids
validation_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer pre-finetuning validation f1_score {validation_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {validation_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer pre-finetuning validation f1_score 0.3731, accuracy 0.5093
validation_pred_transformer = np.argmax(softmax(y_pred_transformer,axis=1),axis=1)

count_total, count_en, count_es = count_misclassified_sentences(validation_df,validation_pred_transformer,y_true)
print(f'Total misclassified sentences: {count_total}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in English: {count_en} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "en"])}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in Spanish: {count_es} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "es"])}')
Total misclassified sentences: 318
Misclassified sentences in English: 58 out of 158
Misclassified sentences in Spanish: 260 out of 490
[4548/7580 08:09 < 05:26, 9.29 it/s, Epoch 6/10]
Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss Model Preparation Time F1 Acc
1 0.524200 0.501840 0.003700 0.760674 0.760802
2 0.455300 0.508893 0.003700 0.760426 0.762346
3 0.422200 0.486943 0.003700 0.808525 0.808642
4 0.379600 0.500273 0.003700 0.795968 0.796296
5 0.346000 0.551903 0.003700 0.817899 0.817901
6 0.311200 0.662030 0.003700 0.802401 0.802469

TrainOutput(global_step=4548, training_loss=0.40640132303497933, metrics={'train_runtime': 489.5987, 'train_samples_per_second': 123.857, 'train_steps_per_second': 15.482, 'total_flos': 1693760974439040.0, 'train_loss': 0.40640132303497933, 'epoch': 6.0})
validation_info = trainer.predict(data["validation"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = validation_info.predictions, validation_info.label_ids
validation_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer best validation f1_score {validation_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {validation_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer best validation f1_score 0.8085, accuracy 0.8086
validation_pred_transformer = np.argmax(softmax(y_pred_transformer,axis=1),axis=1)

count_total, count_en, count_es = count_misclassified_sentences(validation_df,validation_pred_transformer,y_true)
print(f'Total misclassified sentences: {count_total}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in English: {count_en} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "en"])}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in Spanish: {count_es} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "es"])}')
Total misclassified sentences: 124
Misclassified sentences in English: 17 out of 158
Misclassified sentences in Spanish: 107 out of 490
print(classification_report(validation_labels, validation_pred_transformer, digits=3))
cm = confusion_matrix(validation_labels, validation_pred_transformer)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm)
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0      0.812     0.796     0.804       319
           1      0.806     0.821     0.813       329

    accuracy                          0.809       648
   macro avg      0.809     0.808     0.809       648
weighted avg      0.809     0.809     0.809       648

In the chart below we observe the same pattern previously identified in the custom model regarding the word ‘mujer’. In this case ‘mujer’ does not appear in the right chart, indicating that it is rarely misclassified in label 1 sentences.

plot_wrong_word(validation_pred_transformer, validation_labels, decoded_validation, 'Transformer')

Transformer Multilingual

Now we will compare the previous models with the following one, which is also a Transformer-based architecture but pretrained on multilingual corpora. Since this model was originally trained for multiclass classification (3 labels), we replaced and fine-tuned the final classification head to adapt it to our binary classification task.

model_name = "cardiffnlp/twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment-multilingual"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
    model_name, num_labels=2, ignore_mismatched_sizes=True
Some weights of XLMRobertaForSequenceClassification were not initialized from the model checkpoint at cardiffnlp/twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment-multilingual and are newly initialized because the shapes did not match:
- classifier.out_proj.weight: found shape torch.Size([3, 768]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([2, 768]) in the model instantiated
- classifier.out_proj.bias: found shape torch.Size([3]) in the checkpoint and torch.Size([2]) in the model instantiated
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
data = datasets.load_dataset(
        "train": "train_multilingual.csv",
        "validation": "validation_multilingual.csv",
data =, batched=True)
data = data.rename_column("hard_label_task1", "label")
Asking to truncate to max_length but no maximum length is provided and the model has no predefined maximum length. Default to no truncation.
data_collator = DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer)

trainer = Trainer(
[3032/7580 13:42 < 20:34, 3.68 it/s, Epoch 4/10]
Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss F1 Acc
1 0.472000 0.404488 0.856193 0.856481
2 0.366600 0.599462 0.825397 0.825617
3 0.270100 0.573474 0.836418 0.836420
4 0.156300 1.179024 0.801351 0.804012

TrainOutput(global_step=3032, training_loss=0.31624828731164456, metrics={'train_runtime': 822.6802, 'train_samples_per_second': 73.71, 'train_steps_per_second': 9.214, 'total_flos': 779186946007680.0, 'train_loss': 0.31624828731164456, 'epoch': 4.0})
validation_info = trainer.predict(data["validation"])
y_pred_transformer, y_true = validation_info.predictions, validation_info.label_ids
validation_metrics = compute_metrics([y_pred_transformer, y_true])
    f'Transformer validation f1_score {validation_metrics["f1"]:.4f}, accuracy {validation_metrics["acc"]:.4f}'
Transformer validation f1_score 0.8562, accuracy 0.8565
validation_pred_transformer = np.argmax(softmax(y_pred_transformer,axis=1),axis=1)

count_total, count_en, count_es = count_misclassified_sentences(validation_df,validation_pred_transformer,y_true)
print(f'Total misclassified sentences: {count_total}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in English: {count_en} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "en"])}')
print(f'Misclassified sentences in Spanish: {count_es} out of {len(validation_df[validation_df["lang"] == "es"])}')
Total misclassified sentences: 93
Misclassified sentences in English: 21 out of 158
Misclassified sentences in Spanish: 72 out of 490
print(classification_report(validation_labels, validation_pred_transformer, digits=3))
cm = confusion_matrix(validation_labels, validation_pred_transformer)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm)
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0      0.877     0.824     0.850       319
           1      0.839     0.888     0.863       329

    accuracy                          0.856       648
   macro avg      0.858     0.856     0.856       648
weighted avg      0.858     0.856     0.856       648

plot_wrong_word(validation_pred_transformer, validation_labels, decoded_validation, 'Transformer')

As previously shown, the model’s performance is significantly better than that of the two previous models. Additionally, unlike the other models, the ratio of misclassified sentences is consistent across languages. Lastly we observe the same ‘mujer’ error pattern in the charts above.

[Task 8 - 0.5 points] Report

Wrap up your experiment in a short report (up to 2 pages).


  • Use the NLP course report template.
  • Summarize each task in the report following the provided template.


The report is not a copy-paste of graphs, tables, and command outputs.

  • Summarize classification performance in Table format.
  • Do not report command outputs or screenshots.
  • Report learning curves in Figure format.
  • The error analysis section should summarize your findings.


  • Submit your report in PDF format.
  • Submit your python notebook.
  • Make sure your notebook is well organized, with no temporary code, commented sections, tests, etc…
  • You can upload model weights in a cloud repository and report the link in the report.


Please check this frequently asked questions before contacting us

Execution Order

You are free to address tasks in any order (if multiple orderings are available).

Trainable Embeddings

You are free to define a trainable or non-trainable Embedding layer to load the GloVe embeddings.

Model architecture

You should not change the architecture of a model (i.e., its layers). However, you are free to play with their hyper-parameters.

Neural Libraries

You are free to use any library of your choice to implement the networks (e.g., Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch, JAX, etc…)

Keras TimeDistributed Dense layer

If you are using Keras, we recommend wrapping the final Dense layer with TimeDistributed.

Robust Evaluation

Each model is trained with at least 3 random seeds.

Task 4 requires you to compute the average performance over the 3 seeds and its corresponding standard deviation.

Model Selection for Analysis

To carry out the error analysis you are free to either

  • Pick examples or perform comparisons with an individual seed run model (e.g., Baseline seed 1337)
  • Perform ensembling via, for instance, majority voting to obtain a single model.

Error Analysis

Some topics for discussion include: * Precision/Recall curves. * Confusion matrices. * Specific misclassified samples.

Bonus Points

Bonus points are arbitrarily assigned based on significant contributions such as: - Outstanding error analysis - Masterclass code organization - Suitable extensions Note that bonus points are only assigned if all task points are attributed (i.e., 6/6).

Possible Extensions/Explorations for Bonus Points: - Try other preprocessing strategies: e.g., but not limited to, explore techniques tailored specifically for tweets or methods that are common in social media text. - Experiment with other custom architectures or models from HuggingFace - Explore Spanish tweets: e.g., but not limited to, leverage multilingual models to process Spanish tweets and assess their performance compared to monolingual models.

The End